Import translations for given concepts

Aus Termserver-CTS2
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Translations can be imported directly via import modules like csv.

If you want to import translations for given concepts you can use TermAdmin for this.


preliminary note

You can import translations to any language that is specified in the domains for a given concept. See here how to obtain all possible language codes.

To keep the import as simple as possible there a 3 columns:

If you want to import multiple languages in one file you have to insert multiple rows for 1 code with different translations and language codes. All imported language codes will be added to the available languages for a codesystem version.

Instruction to import translations for given concepts

open translation view


select data

This view can be used as a preview and shows the data before importing to the database. Please see, if umlauts or other country specific values are displayed correctly here. ImportTranslations02.png

start import


Possible language values

Please see the domain table "ISO_639_1_Language_Codes" for available language codes. You have to use the value defined in column "code". ImportTranslationsDomain.png

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