Terminologieserver - Administration - ImportValueSet

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Imports a value set from existing concepts from code systems.

You must specify an existing value set. If a valueset version-id is given, this is used. Specify a version name to create a new valueset version.


  • code (code from given codesystem-version by oid or version-id)</li>
  • codesystem_oid (either oid or version-id must be given)</li>
  • codesystem_version_id (either oid or version-id must be given)</li>
  • value_override</li>
  • hints</li>
  • description</li>
  • meaning</li> italic fields are optional



    Level Parameter Typ Länge Kardinalität Beschreibung
    1 loginToken String 1..1 Login-Token that ensures the user is logged in.
    1 importInfos ImportType 1..1 Parameter for import
    2 filecontent byte[] 1..1 The file content as a blob. CSV files have to be encoded with ISO-8859-1.
    2 formatId Long 1..1 The content of the file.

    CSV: 1

    SVS: 2
    1 valueSet value_set 1..1 A subset of terms.Every valueset has at least one valueset-version.
    2 description String 65535 0..1 Description of the valueset. This field is only required if you create a new Value set.
    2 id Long 0..1 ID of the valueset. They must list either the ID of a Value set, or list a name, if you liked to create a new Value set.
    2 name String 50 0..1 Name of the valueset. They must list either the ID of a Value set, or list a name, if you liked to create a new Value set.
    2 valueSetVersion value_set_version 1..1 Represents the version of an valueset.
    3 name String 0..1
    3 preferredLanguageCd String 30 0..1 Preferred language of value set version. Value comes from the ISO 639-1 ('de' for German, 'en' for English, ...)
    3 releaseDate java.util.Date 0..1 Start date for the validity of the valueset version.


    Level Parameter Typ Länge Kardinalität Beschreibung
    1 returnInfos ReturnType 1..1 Return information
    2 count Integer 1..1 number of results
    2 message String 1..1 an additional message
    2 overallErrorCategory 1..1 INFO, WARN, ERROR
    2 status 1..1 OK, FAILURE
    1 valueSet value_set 0..1 A subset of terms.Every valueset has at least one valueset-version.
    2 id Long 1..1 ID of the valueset.
    2 valueSetVersion value_set_version 1..1 Represents the version of an valueset.
    3 versionId Long 1..1 Version ID of the value set

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