Terminologieserver - Authoring - RemoveValueSetContent

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Remove one or more concepts from a value set version.



Level Parameter Typ Länge Kardinalität Beschreibung
1 loginToken String 1..1 Login-Token that ensures the user is logged in.
1 codeSystemEntity code_system_entity 1..N Abstract class. Every entry in code_system_entity requires at least one entry in code_system_entity_version.
2 currentVersionId Long - Current ID of code_system_entity_version.
2 id Long -
2 codeSystemEntityVersion code_system_entity_version 1..1 code_system_entity_version is the superclass of every Concept and Association.
3 codeSystemEntityId Long - Foreign key to code system entities ID
3 effectiveDate java.util.Date - Last change date of the entity version.
3 insertTimestamp java.util.Date - Point in time when entry was inserted.
3 isLeaf Boolean - Indicates if an element is leaf or not. Value will be set by a trigger and is therefore read only.
3 majorRevision Integer - Major revision of this entry (composition of major and minor version e.g. 1.3).
3 minorRevision Integer - Minor revision of this entry (composition of major and minor version e.g. 1.3)
3 previousVersionId Long - Refers to the prior version, if there are more than one version.
3 statusDeactivated Integer - Defines the state. Default value is 0 (=visible). Look for available values in the according domain.
3 statusDeactivatedDate java.util.Date - Date when statusDeactivated changed
3 statusVisibility Integer - Status of the current entry. Can be taken from a domain.
3 statusVisibilityDate java.util.Date - Point of time of the last change of the status.
3 statusWorkflow Integer - A workflow status, can be unique for each codesystem.
3 statusWorkflowDate java.util.Date - Date when statusWorkflow changed
3 versionId Long 1..1 The version-ID which should be removed from the Value set. Besides, the concept itself is not extinguished!
1 valueSet value_set 1..1 A subset of terms.Every valueset has at least one valueset-version.
2 currentVersionId Long - Points to the current version of the valueset.
2 description String 65535 - Description of the valueset.
2 id Long - ID of the valueset.
2 name String 50 - Name of the valueset.
2 status Integer - Status of the current entry. Can be found in a domain.
2 statusDate java.util.Date - Alteration time of the status.
2 valueSetVersion value_set_version 1..1 Represents the version of an valueset.
3 insertTimestamp java.util.Date - Timestamp of the insertion of the valueset version.
3 name String -
3 oid String -
3 preferredLanguageCd String 30 - Preferred language of value set version. Value comes from the ISO 639-1 ('de' for German, 'en' for English, ...)
3 previousVersionId Long - Points to the previous version.
3 releaseDate java.util.Date - Start date for the validity of the valueset version.
3 status Integer - The status of the current entry. Can be found in a domain.
3 statusDate java.util.Date - Alteration time of the status.
3 validityRange Long - Validity range (German: Gültigkeitsbereich)
3 valueSetId Long - Foreign key to the ID of the valueset.
3 versionId Long 1..1 The ID of the Value Set from which concepts should be removed.


Level Parameter Typ Länge Kardinalität Beschreibung
1 returnInfos ReturnType 1..1 Return information
2 count Integer 1..1 number of results
2 message String 1..1 an additional message
2 overallErrorCategory 1..1 INFO, WARN, ERROR
2 status 1..1 OK, FAILURE



Sample to remove 2 concepts from a value set version

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:aut="http://authoring.ws.terminologie.fhdo.de/">
        <loginToken>INSERT YOUR TOKEN</loginToken>

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