Terminologieserver - Search - ListCodeSystemConcepts

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Version vom 22. Juli 2014, 07:27 Uhr

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Lists all concepts from a codesystem version. Use filters to limit the results.

Result sets can be very huge (ICD-10 ~ 28,000), therefore it is not recommended to use search without filters.

Search parameter



Level Parameter Typ Länge Kardinalität Beschreibung
1 LoginType LoginType 0..1 Login information
2 sessionID String 1..1 Session-ID from user (given by system)
1 codeSystem code_system 1..1 Name of codesystem. Each codesystem requires at least one version.
2 codeSystemVersion code_system_version 1..1 Version of a Code System
3 versionId Long 1..1
1 codeSystemEntity code_system_entity 0..1 Abstract class. Every entry in code_system_entity requires at least one entry in code_system_entity_version.
2 codeSystemEntityVersion code_system_entity_version 0..1 code_system_entity_version is the superclass of every Concept and Association.
3 statusDate java.util.Date 0..1 Point of time of the last change of the status. Used for synchronization at this point. All concepts after the given date will be returned.
3 codeSystemConcept code_system_concept 0..1 Displays a concept or term. Specialization of code_system_entity_version.
4 code String 100 0..1 Code of a concept or term.
4 isPreferred Boolean 1..1 Specifies, if a term or concept is preferred or not.
4 term String 65535 0..1 The term itself
4 termAbbrevation String 50 0..1 The abbrevation of the term.
4 codeSystemConceptTranslation code_system_concept_translation 0..1 Translation of a term
5 languageId Long 0..1 Language of the translation. Value comes from Domain-Value with Domain-ID 1 (ISO_639_1_Language_Codes) All concepts of this query are translated into this language, if the translation exists.
5 term String 65535 0..1 Translated term
5 termAbbrevation String 50 0..1 Abbreviation of the translated term.
2 codeSystemVersionEntityMembership code_system_version_entity_membership 0..1 Connects the version of a Code System to the entities.
3 isAxis Boolean 0..1 true, if the belonging entity of the entry is an axis of the code system
3 isMainClass Boolean 0..1 true, if the belonging entity of the entry is a root element of the code system.
1 SearchType SearchType 0..1 Information about the search
2 caseSensitive Boolean 1..1 true if case sensitivity should be considered
2 startsWith Boolean 1..1 true if matching words should start with the search term
2 traverseConceptsToRoot Boolean 1..1 true if all associations should be returned to a concept. Because of a longer duration you should use page size to reduce your results.
2 wholeWords Boolean 1..1 true if the search term must match exactily
1 PagingType PagingType 0..1 Specifies the result amount for searching results.
2 allEntries Boolean 0..1 true, if all entries should be returned independent of the system limit. You have to be logged in to use this attribute.
2 pageIndex Integer 1..1 Sets the page index (zero based). When you have a page size of 20 and page index 2, the results 40-59 will be returned.
2 pageSize Integer 1..1 Sets the desired page size. If the value is bigger than the system value it will be reduced. When you have a page size of 20 and page index 2, the results 40-59 will be returned.
1 SortingType SortingType 0..1 Determines the assortment. If not given, the concepts are sorted asscending according to the code.
2 sortBy String 0..1 possible values: CODE, TERM default value: CODE
2 sortDirection String 0..1 possible values: ASCENDING, DESCENDING default value: ASCENDING
2 sortType String 0..1 possible values: ALPHABETICALLY, ORDER_NR default value: ALPHABETICALLY
1 lookForward Boolean 0..1 Returns whether information about every concept relationships should be loaded. If the parametre is "true", "traverseConceptsToRoot" cannot be used.


Level Parameter Typ Länge Kardinalität Beschreibung
1 ReturnType ReturnType 1..1 Return information
2 count Integer 1..1 number of results
2 message String 1..1 an additional message
2 overallErrorCategory 1..1 INFO, WARN, ERROR
2 status 1..1 OK, FAILURE
1 codeSystemEntity code_system_entity 0..N Abstract class. Every entry in code_system_entity requires at least one entry in code_system_entity_version.
2 currentVersionId Long 1..1 Current ID of code_system_entity_version.
2 id Long 1..1
2 codeSystemEntityVersion code_system_entity_version 1..1 code_system_entity_version is the superclass of every Concept and Association.
3 codeSystemEntityId Long 1..1 Foreign key to code system entities ID
3 effectiveDate java.util.Date 1..1 Point in time of the last change.
3 insertTimestamp java.util.Date 1..1 Point in time, when entry was inserted.
3 isLeaf Boolean 1..1 Indicates if a concept is a leaf element or not. Value will be set by a trigger and is therefore read only.
3 majorRevision Integer 1..1 Major revision of this entry (composition of major and minor version e.g. 1.3).
3 minorRevision Integer 1..1 Minor revision of this entry (composition of major and minor version e.g. 1.3)
3 status Integer 1..1 Status of the current entry. Can be taken from a domain.
3 statusDate java.util.Date 1..1 Point of time of the last change of the status.
3 versionId Long 1..1 Version-ID of Entity-Version
3 codeSystemConcept code_system_concept 1..1 Displays a concept or term. Specialization of code_system_entity_version.
4 code String 100 1..1 Code of a concept or term.
4 codeSystemEntityVersionId Long 1..1
4 description String 1..1 Description of a term or concept
4 isPreferred Boolean 1..1 Specifies, if a term or concept is preferred or not.
4 term String 65535 1..1 The term itself
4 termAbbrevation String 50 1..1 The abbrevation of the term.
4 codeSystemConceptTranslation code_system_concept_translation 0..1 Translation of a term Returns a translation, if the language was given and the translation exists.
5 codeSystemEntityVersionId Long 1..1
5 description String 1..1 Description of the translated term.
5 id Long 1..1
5 languageId Long 1..1 Language of the translation. Value comes from Domain-Value with Domain-ID 1 (ISO_639_1_Language_Codes)
5 term String 65535 1..1 Translated term
5 termAbbrevation String 50 1..1 Abbreviation of the translated term.
3 codeSystemEntityVersionAssociation code_system_entity_version_association 0..N Associates two entity versions with each other.
4 associationKind Integer 1..1 1 = ontological,

2 = taxonomic, 3 = cross mapping,

4 = link
4 associationTypeId Long 1..1 Specifies the Type of the association (e.g. 'belongs to')
4 codeSystemEntityVersionId1 Long 1..1 Points to the first entity of the association
4 codeSystemEntityVersionId2 Long 1..1 Points to the second entity of the association
4 id Long 1..1
4 insertTimestamp java.util.Date 1..1 Point of time, when the association was inserted.
4 leftId Long 1..1 Specifies the reading direction of the association, if ID 1 or ID 2 is on the left side. E.g. ID 1 = 12, Id 2 = 14: 12 belongs to 14, or 14 belongs to 12. If the direction should be ID2 -> ID1, forwardName and reverseName have to be reverted as well.
4 status Integer 1..1 Status of the current entry. Can be taken from a domain.
4 statusDate java.util.Date 1..1 Point of time of the last change of the status.
2 codeSystemVersionEntityMembership code_system_version_entity_membership 1..1 Connects the version of a Code System to the entities.
3 isAxis Boolean 1..1 true, if the belonging entity of the entry is an axis of the code system
3 isMainClass Boolean 1..1 true, if the belonging entity of the entry is a root element of the code system.
1 PagingResultType PagingResultType 0..1 Will be returned automatically if result set is bigger than the limiting system value. Results will be cut to the limit size.
2 maxPageSize Integer 1..1 system limit for maximum number of entries per page
2 pageIndex Integer 1..1 current page (starts with 0)
2 pageSize Integer 1..1 number of results per page



Lists all concepts from codesystem with version id 32 which are main classes

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