WS-Beschreibung - Terminologieserver Administration CreateDomain

Aus Termserver-CTS2
Version vom 9. August 2013, 08:25 Uhr von Becker (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Creates a new domain with the given properties. See Request/Response section for more details.


requires Login.



Parameter Typ Länge Kardinalität Beschreibung
LoginType LoginType 1..1 Login information
sessionID String 1..1 Session-ID from user (given by system)
domain domain 1..1 List of all available domains (lists of values).
defaultValue String 60 0..1 Default value, has to be taken from the table domain_value and the attribute 'code'
description String 65535 0..1 Description of the domain.
displayOrder Long 0..1 Order of display of the values. The ID has to be chosen from the domain with the ID 3 'Display Order'. Possible values on the terminolgy server are ID 185 - to ID, ID 186 - to Order-Number, ID 187 - to name
displayText String 65535 0..1 Name of the domain that should be shown.
domainName String 50 1..1 Name of the domain (e.g. country codes)
domainOid String 50 0..1 OID of the domain, if existing.
domainType String 50 0..1
isOptional Boolean 0..1
domain_value domain_value 0..N Value from a domain.
attribut1Classname String 50 0..1 Additonal information
attribut1Value String 50 0..1 Additonal information
domainCode String 50 1..1 Code of the value. It is used as foreign key.
domainDisplay String 100 1..1 Displayed name of the value.
domainId Long 0..1
imageFile String 65535 0..1 Filename of an image saved on the file system.
orderNo Integer 0..1 Manual order of the values. The 'displayOrder' of the domain in the table 'domain' with 186 (to Order-Number) has to be used.


Parameter Typ Länge Kardinalität Beschreibung
ReturnType ReturnType 1..1 Return information
count Integer 1..1 number of results
message String 1..1 an additional message
overallErrorCategory 1..1 INFO, WARN, ERROR
status 1..1 OK, FAILURE
domain domain 1..1 List of all available domains (lists of values).
domainId Long 1..1
domain_value domain_value - Value from a domain.





SOAP messages

Simple domain


Complex domain


Code example


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