WS-Beschreibung - Terminologieserver Administration ImportCodeSystem

Aus Termserver-CTS2
Version vom 9. August 2013, 08:27 Uhr von Becker (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Imports a whole code system. There are two import formats available: ClaML and CSV.
You have to specify a code system for each import. All new concepts will be added to that code system.


Requires Login.



Parameter Typ Länge Kardinalität Beschreibung
LoginType LoginType 1..1 Login information
sessionID String 1..1 Session-ID from user (given by system)
ImportType ImportType 1..1 Parameter for import
filecontent byte[] 1..1 The file contents. CSV files must be encoded with ISO-8859-1.
formatId Long 1..1 The content of the file.

ClaML: 193 CSV: 194 LOINC: 200 LOINC relations: 201

KBV keytab: 234
code_system code_system 1..1 Name of codesystem. Each codesystem requires at least one version.
description String 65535 0..1 Description of the code system to be created
name String 100 1..1 Name of the code system to be created
code_system_version code_system_version - Version of the code system to be created
description String 65535 0..1 Description of the Code System
expirationDate java.util.Date 0..1 Point of time the Code System looses its validity.
licenceHolder String 65535 0..1 Owner of the licence.
name String 100 1..1 Name of the code system version to be created
oid String 100 0..1 Official OID
releaseDate java.util.Date 0..1 Point of time, when this version starts to be valid.
source String 65535 0..1 Source of the Code System Version
underLicence Boolean 1..1 true, if Code System is under license (Code System will be invisible for all users without proper license)
licence_type licence_type 0..N Sorts of licence types.
typeTxt String 65535 1..1 type of licence


Parameter Typ Länge Kardinalität Beschreibung
ReturnType ReturnType 1..1 Return information
count Integer 1..1 number of results
message String 1..1 an additional message
overallErrorCategory 1..1 INFO, WARN, ERROR
status 1..1 OK, FAILURE
code_system code_system 1..1 Name of codesystem. Each codesystem requires at least one version.
currentVersionId Long 1..1 The new ID of the added code system version
id Long 1..1 The new ID of the added code system
code_system_version code_system_version 1..1 The version of the added code system
versionId Long 1..1 The new ID of the added code system version


SOAP messages

Simple domain


Complex domain


Code example





The comma separated file has to be build in this pattern:

*italic Entries are optional If no code is given, term will be used as code (cut to a maximum length of 100 characters)




The following file shows a example of a csv import of a small code system with associations:CSV-Import_Beispiel

Example file (CSV) with some translations can be found here: Geschlechtercodes CSV

SOAP messages

 <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:adm="">
                  <name>Administrative sex (HL7)</name>
               <name>Administrative sex (HL7)</name>
            <filecontent>BASE64-CONTENT</filecontent>  <!-- can be imported directly in Soap-UI (context menu) -->
               <sessionID>71a4f756-dc1a-41a6-941d-0e4fb0145f7f</sessionID>  <!-- insert Session-ID from login -->
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