WS-Beschreibung - Terminologieserver Search ListCodeSystemConcepts

Aus Termserver-CTS2
Version vom 4. April 2014, 06:39 Uhr von Muetzner (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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Lists all concepts of the given code system version. Concepts can be filtered by certain properties (see request section).




Parameter Typ Länge Kardinalität Beschreibung
LoginType LoginType 0..1 Login information
sessionID String 1..1 Session-ID from user (given by system)
code_system code_system 1..1 Name of codesystem. Each codesystem requires at least one version.
code_system_version code_system_version 1..1 Version of a Code System
versionId Long 1..1
code_system_entity code_system_entity 0..1 Abstract class. Every entry in code_system_entity requires at least one entry in code_system_entity_version.
code_system_entity_version code_system_entity_version 0..1 code_system_entity_version is the superclass of every Concept and Association.
statusDate java.util.Date 0..1 Point of time of the last change of the status.
code_system_concept code_system_concept 0..1 Displays a concept or term. Specialization of code_system_entity_version.
code String 100 0..1 Code of a concept or term.
isPreferred Boolean 1..1 Specifies, if a term or concept is preferred or not.
term String 65535 0..1 The term itself
termAbbrevation String 50 0..1 The abbrevation of the term.
code_system_concept_translation code_system_concept_translation 0..1 Translation of a term
languageId Long 0..1 Language of the translation. Value comes from Domain-Value with Domain-ID 1 (ISO_639_1_Language_Codes) All concepts of this query are translated into this language, if the translation exists.
term String 65535 0..1 Translated term
termAbbrevation String 50 0..1 Abbreviation of the translated term.
code_system_version_entity_membership code_system_version_entity_membership 0..1 Connects the version of a Code System to the entities.
isAxis Boolean 0..1 true, if the belonging entity of the entry is an axis of the code system
isMainClass Boolean 0..1 true, if the belonging entity of the entry is a root element of the code system.
SearchType SearchType 0..1 Information about the search
caseSensitive Boolean 1..1 true if case sensitivity should be considered
startsWith Boolean 1..1 true if matching words should start with the search term
traverseConceptsToRoot Boolean 1..1 true if all associations should be returned to a concept. Because of a longer duration you should use page size to reduce your results.
wholeWords Boolean 1..1 true if the search term must match exactily
PagingType PagingType 0..1 Specifies the result amount for searching results.
allEntries Boolean 0..1 true, if all entries should be returned independent of the system limit. You have to be logged in to use this attribute.
pageIndex Integer 1..1 Sets the page index (zero based). When you have a page size of 20 and page index 2, the results 40-59 will be returned.
pageSize Integer 1..1 Sets the desired page size. If the value is bigger than the system value it will be reduced. When you have a page size of 20 and page index 2, the results 40-59 will be returned.
SortingType SortingType 0..1 Determines the assortment. If not given, the concepts are sorted asscending according to the code.
sortBy String 0..1 possible values: CODE, TERM default value: CODE
sortDirection String 0..1 possible values: ASCENDING, DESCENDING default value: ASCENDING
sortType String 0..1 possible values: ALPHABETICALLY, ORDER_NR default value: ALPHABETICALLY
lookForward Boolean 0..1 Returns whether information about every concept relationships should be loaded. If the parametre is "true", "traverseConceptsToRoot" cannot be used.


Parameter Typ Länge Kardinalität Beschreibung
ReturnType ReturnType 1..1 Return information
count Integer 1..1 number of results
message String 1..1 an additional message
overallErrorCategory 1..1 INFO, WARN, ERROR
status 1..1 OK, FAILURE
code_system_entity code_system_entity 0..N Abstract class. Every entry in code_system_entity requires at least one entry in code_system_entity_version.
currentVersionId Long 1..1 Current ID of code_system_entity_version.
id Long 1..1
code_system_entity_version code_system_entity_version 1..1 code_system_entity_version is the superclass of every Concept and Association.
codeSystemEntityId Long 1..1 Foreign key to code system entities ID
effectiveDate java.util.Date 1..1 Point in time of the last change.
insertTimestamp java.util.Date 1..1 Point in time, when entry was inserted.
isLeaf Boolean 1..1 Indicates if a concept is a leaf element or not. Value will be set by a trigger and is therefore read only.
majorRevision Integer 1..1 Major revision of this entry (composition of major and minor version e.g. 1.3).
minorRevision Integer 1..1 Minor revision of this entry (composition of major and minor version e.g. 1.3)
status Integer 1..1 Status of the current entry. Can be taken from a domain.
statusDate java.util.Date 1..1 Point of time of the last change of the status.
versionId Long 1..1 Version-ID of Entity-Version
code_system_concept code_system_concept 1..1 Displays a concept or term. Specialization of code_system_entity_version.
code String 100 1..1 Code of a concept or term.
codeSystemEntityVersionId Long 1..1
description String 1..1 Description of a term or concept
isPreferred Boolean 1..1 Specifies, if a term or concept is preferred or not.
term String 65535 1..1 The term itself
termAbbrevation String 50 1..1 The abbrevation of the term.
code_system_concept_translation code_system_concept_translation 0..1 Translation of a term Returns a translation, if the language was given and the translation exists.
codeSystemEntityVersionId Long 1..1
description String 1..1 Description of the translated term.
id Long 1..1
languageId Long 1..1 Language of the translation. Value comes from Domain-Value with Domain-ID 1 (ISO_639_1_Language_Codes)
term String 65535 1..1 Translated term
termAbbrevation String 50 1..1 Abbreviation of the translated term.
code_system_entity_version_association code_system_entity_version_association 0..N Associates two entity versions with each other.
associationKind Integer 1..1 1 = ontological,

2 = taxonomic, 3 = cross mapping,

4 = link
associationTypeId Long 1..1 Specifies the Type of the association (e.g. 'belongs to')
codeSystemEntityVersionId1 Long 1..1 Points to the first entity of the association
codeSystemEntityVersionId2 Long 1..1 Points to the second entity of the association
id Long 1..1
insertTimestamp java.util.Date 1..1 Point of time, when the association was inserted.
leftId Long 1..1 Specifies the reading direction of the association, if ID 1 or ID 2 is on the left side. E.g. ID 1 = 12, Id 2 = 14: 12 belongs to 14, or 14 belongs to 12. If the direction should be ID2 -> ID1, forwardName and reverseName have to be reverted as well.
status Integer 1..1 Status of the current entry. Can be taken from a domain.
statusDate java.util.Date 1..1 Point of time of the last change of the status.
code_system_version_entity_membership code_system_version_entity_membership 1..1 Connects the version of a Code System to the entities.
isAxis Boolean 1..1 true, if the belonging entity of the entry is an axis of the code system
isMainClass Boolean 1..1 true, if the belonging entity of the entry is a root element of the code system.
PagingResultType PagingResultType 0..1 Will be returned automatically if result set is bigger than the limiting system value. Results will be cut to the limit size.
maxPageSize Integer 1..1 system limit for maximum number of entries per page
pageIndex Integer 1..1 current page (starts with 0)
pageSize Integer 1..1 number of results per page




Can be used to search for concepts with certain properties.

Search parameter


Result sets can be very hugh (ICD-10 ~ 28,000), therefore it is not recommended to use searches without filters.



Simple Search without filter

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sear="">

Search for concepts that are main classes (Retreive all root elements)

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sear="">

Search for concepts given a specific term

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sear="">

Search with filters

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:sear="" xmlns:de="de.fhdo.termserver.types">

Code example


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