Terminologieserver - Search - ListDomainValues

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List domain values from a given domain id. The domain id can be obtained with ListDomains.



Level Parameter Typ Länge Kardinalität Beschreibung
1 domain domain 1..1 List of all available domains (lists of values).
2 domainId Long 1..1


Level Parameter Typ Länge Kardinalität Beschreibung
1 returnInfos ReturnType 1..1 Return information
2 count Integer 1..1 number of results
2 message String 1..1 an additional message
2 overallErrorCategory 1..1 INFO, WARN, ERROR
2 status 1..1 OK, FAILURE
1 domainValue domain_value 0..N Value from a domain.
2 attribut1Classname String 50 1..1 Additonal information
2 attribut1Value String 50 1..1 Additonal information
2 domainCode String 50 1..1 Code of the value. It is used as foreign key.
2 domainDisplay String 100 1..1 Displayed name of the value.
2 domainId Long 1..1
2 domainValueId Long 1..1
2 imageFile String 65535 1..1 Filename of an image saved on the file system.
2 orderNo Integer 1..1 Manual order of the values. The 'displayOrder' of the domain in the table 'domain' with 186 (to Order-Number) has to be used.
2 codeSystem code_system 0..N Gives information about the codesystem a domainvalue has relation with.
3 id Long 1..1 Internal ID = Primary Key of Code System
3 name String 100 1..1 Name of the Code System. The precise name should be specified in the Code System Version.



List all domain values from a given domain

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