WS-Beschreibung - Terminologieserver Authoring CreateConceptAssociationType

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Creates a new association type.

If a code system is specified, the new association type will be available in that code system only. Otherwise it will be available in all code systems .


Requires Login.



Parameter Typ Länge Kardinalität Beschreibung
LoginType LoginType 0..1 Login information
sessionID String 1..1 Session-ID from user (given by system)
code_system code_system 0..1 Name of codesystem. Each codesystem requires at least one version.
id Long 1..1 Internal ID = Primary Key of Code System
code_system_version code_system_version 1..1 Version of a Code System
versionId Long 1..1
code_system_entity code_system_entity 1..1 Abstract class. Every entry in code_system_entity requires at least one entry in code_system_entity_version.
code_system_entity_version code_system_entity_version 1..1 code_system_entity_version is the superclass of every Concept and Association.
majorRevision Integer 0..1 Major revision of this entry (composition of major and minor version e.g. 1.3).
minorRevision Integer 0..1 Minor revision of this entry (composition of major and minor version e.g. 1.3)
association_type association_type 1..1 Displays the name of a association. Specialization of code_system_entity_version. The codeSystemEntityVersionId equates the versionId of code_system_entity_version
forwardName String 50 1..1 Name of association in normal reading direction (ID 1->2)
reverseName String 50 1..1 Name of association in reversed reading direction (ID 2->1)
property property 0..N
name String 65535 0..1
property_version property_version 1..N
content byte[] 0..1
contentMimetype String 50 0..1
contentName String 255 0..1
contentSize Integer 0..1
description String 65535 0..1
languageId Long 0..1
name String 65535 1..1
propertyKindId Long 0..1
status Integer 0..1


Parameter Typ Länge Kardinalität Beschreibung
ReturnType ReturnType 1..1 Return information
message String 1..1 an additional message
overallErrorCategory 1..1 INFO, WARN, ERROR
status 1..1 OK, FAILURE
code_system_entity code_system_entity 1..1 Abstract class. Every entry in code_system_entity requires at least one entry in code_system_entity_version.
currentVersionId Long 1..1 Current ID of code_system_entity_version.
id Long 1..1
code_system_entity_version code_system_entity_version 1..1 code_system_entity_version is the superclass of every Concept and Association.
versionId Long 1..1 Version-ID of Entity-Version





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