WS-Beschreibung - Terminologieserver Authoring MaintainCodeSystemVersion

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Creates a new code system version or edits an existing one.


Requires Login.


The required request parameters differs for creating a new version and editing an existing one. The request and response table below refers to the creation of a new version only.

Required fields: new version

Required fields: edit version


Parameter Typ Länge Kardinalität Beschreibung
LoginType LoginType 0..1 Login information
sessionID String 1..1 Session-ID from user (given by system)
VersioningType VersioningType 1..1 Versioning information
createNewVersion Boolean 1..1 true if a new version should be created
majorUpdate Boolean 0..1 true if major version should count up
minorUpdate Boolean 0..1 true if minor version should count up
code_system code_system 1..1 Name of codesystem. Each codesystem requires at least one version.
description String 65535 0..1 Narrative description of Code System
id Long 0..1 If the name of the Vokabulsars should be changed, the Id must be given.
name String 100 0..1 see Id
code_system_version code_system_version - Version of a Code System
description String 65535 0..1 Description of the Code System
expirationDate java.util.Date 0..1 Point of time the Code System looses its validity.
licenceHolder String 65535 0..1 Owner of the licence.
name String 100 1..1 It must not be listed, if an existing version is worked on.
oid String 100 0..1 Official OID
preferredLanguageId Long 0..1 Preferred language of the Code System ( ID has to be taken from domain 'ISO_639_1_Language_Codes' with ID 1)
releaseDate java.util.Date 0..1 Point of time, when this version starts to be valid.
source String 65535 0..1 Source of the Code System Version
underLicence Boolean 0..1 true, if Code System is under license (Code System will be invisible for all users without proper license)
validityRange String 30 0..1 Validity range, Values from domain list "codesystem_validityrange". Standard: 1 (required), 2 (recomended), 3 (limited), 4 (optional)
versionId Long 1..1


Parameter Typ Länge Kardinalität Beschreibung
ReturnType ReturnType 1..1 Return information
message String 1..1 an additional message
overallErrorCategory 1..1 INFO, WARN, ERROR
status 1..1 OK, FAILURE





SOAP messages

Minimal SOAP message

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:aut="">
		  <name>Name der neuen Version</name>

Code examples


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